Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Hi everyone!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.  I'm exhausted and still recovering from all of the weekend's festivities.  We had such a great time with friends and family and I'm a little sad the weekend is over.  I'm having a hard time bouncing back to reality after all the fun from the weekend. 

I have so much going on right now, we are literally trying to plan a trip to Europe in the next four weeks which is all consuming, plus work on projects around the house, shopping and photo shoots for the shop, and a whole list of other random things that keep piling up and have to get done.  Ugg.  If I sit and think about everything on my plate right now I can get so overwhelmed.  Posting might be kind of light over the next week or so while I try to tackle everything going on in my life right now.  At least it's a short week, right?


alexkeller said...

eh, don't worry about the shop - plan that trip to Europe!!!! and then tell me about it - we're planning a trip to the UK next summer

The Design Boards said...

I like your advice! I will definitely share all the details, looks like the trip is a go!!