This week's Behind the Design features Stefanie from A Common Thread. Stefanie designs amazing crochet and knit jewlery and uses vintage items in some of her work, creating truly unique pieces.
Where does your inspiration come from?
I've been sewing, knitting and crocheting since I was just a wee little thing, and in the past few years wanted to see what would happen when these crafts were mixed with jewelry. I love when one craft intersects with another to give you a new, truly unique object. Also, in the past few years, many glamorous (but d.i.y-able) items have been popping up on fashion runways, and gives you infinite possibilities of where jewelry could be headed.
I like sitting in my studio with all of my materials spread around me, where I can visually see what pieces mesh well, or complement each other.
Where do you do most of your work?
My work travels with me everywhere! Since many of my necklaces are hand knit, or hand crocheted, they come to life during my NYC subway rides, taking a break in a park, or standing in line at the post office (and generally they get many questions and spark many conversations). However, when I'm not traveling around the rest of my work gets done in my work studio in my apartment. It's a very tiny space, where everything in the room is just an arm's reach away.
How did you come up with the name for your business?
When I first started, I chose A Common Thread since many of my items were hand-sewn items and a 'thread' ran through all of them. Lucky for me, as my interests have grown and expanded, first into knit and crochet items, then into jewelry, the name still works.
Your favorite thing to make?
I absolutely LOVE making the 3 layered crochet necklace. I've done it so much at this point I can do it in the dark, or with my eyes closed.
What is your all time favorite design from past or current collections?
There are certain pieces that I make that will always hold a special place. I adore pyrite (since I was a child) and think it's so much fun to create pieces with it. I also adore the bronze multi-chain bib necklace, which I wear literally every other day.
You couldn't run your business without ____?
The internet
What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business?
Love what you do. With my shop, I couldn't be happier than sitting in my studio creating up new jewelry designs, or knitting a pair of gloves, or sewing a new dress. I would be doing these exact same things, even if I wasn't selling it. I'm just lucky enough that my hobby happens to be one that other people like too.
Coffee or tea?
Favorite magazine/blog/daily read?
Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets other than your work?
My shop IS my creative outlet. The other 70% of my life is working as a user interface designer, designing conversational software and other very technical things. Creating jewelry and knitting and crocheting is my outlet.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, money and time being no object, where would you go and why?
Thailand. It seems like such an intriguing place to visit.
If you had to spend a year on a deserted island, what 5 things would you take with you?
Blackberry, sunscreen, my current favorite book of the moment (The Secret History), a knife (to make knitting needles, among other things), and toothpaste.
Thank you Stefanie for participating in this week's Behind the Design.
Photos courtesy of Stefanie, A Common Thread.
Stefanie can be found at:
Etsy shop
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