Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Daily Design Inspiration

I'm in love with the Coastal Living Idea Cottage. It's exactly the look I'm going for in my own house. Here's one of my favorite spaces in the house.

Fashion Find - Little Houses

If you can tell from recent posts, I am in such a Fall mood lately, but sadly it feels nothing like Fall here in Florida.

I love this jacket but it will probably never get cool enough to wear here (sighs).... 

Photo: Little Houses

Inspired by Atlanta Bartlett

Photos: Atlanta Bartlett

Monday, September 28, 2009

Daily Design Inspiration

The Red Tights

Behind the Design - Elisabeth Bentz

Good morning everyone!  Hope you all had a great weekend.  This week's Behind the Design features Elisabeth Bentz, textile designer whose beautiful screen printed designs are inspired by nature.

Where does your inspiration come from?
A lot of my work is nature inspired. But inspiration can really come from anywhere. One of my favorite design ideas came from a vintage colander. I try to look at the world and see interesting shapes and patterns.  

Do you have a spot you like to go that helps you feel creative?
I find that taking walks is a great way for me to come up with and process creative ideas. Something about letting my mind wander as I move my body sparks my imagination.  

Where do you do most of your work?
I use half of our garage as my studio space. There was an old sturdy work bench and a lot of shelving in place when we moved in. There are two big windows that overlook a bunch of big trees. It is a little rustic but it works really well for me. And I love the commute.

Your favorite thing to make?
I have a lot of fun making cat nip mice out of my extra printed fabric. I like to see how my designs change when they are cropped and used in such a small format. And my approach to the mice is really free form so it's the one item that I make where I'm not worried about straight lines and set sizes.

What is your all time favorite design from past or current collections?
I really like the pebbles design. When I was first experimenting with printing on fabric I painted a series of dots on my screen to use as my test. I didn't think about it at all, I just did it. I certainly wasn't planning on using the dots as one of my designs. But once I printed it on linen I loved how simple and quiet it looked and I have been using it on napkins, tea towels, pillows and aprons ever since.

You couldn't run your business without?
I feel like I should come up with something clever but I'll be honest instead! My husband has been a huge support. Getting my business off the ground has taken a while and it would have taken a whole lot longer if I was trying to work full time at the same time.

What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business?
I'm fortunate to know a handful of friends who have small creative businesses so I feel like I have access to a lot of good advice and information.  What I wish I would have believed is how long it takes to grow a business wisely.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon. If I had to pick one, coffee would win hands down. I live in the Pacific Northwest after all.

Favorite magazine/blog/daily read?
I have an ever changing list of blogs that I follow. Frolic, 3191, Remodelista and the NY Times are a few favorites.

If you could follow one person around for a day who would it be?
I would have loved to spend a day behind the scenes at Marimekko when it was just being started in the 50's. Does that count?

Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets other than your work?
I like domestic pursuits. Gardening, thrifting for housewares, taking care of my pets, working on our home, baking.... that sort of thing.

Thank you Elisabeth for participating in this week's Behind the Design!

Photos courtesy of Elisabeth Bentz

Elisabeth can be found at:

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Daily Design Inspiration

I know in most parts of the world summer is beginning to wind down and fall is settling in. Here in Florida, the weather is just becoming tolerable and the seedlings are being started in the garden. We are finally starting to think about being outdoors, which is what inspired this post...This looks like the perfect spot to sit and enjoy a nice glass of iced tea and read a good book.

Locale Lovelies

Please see my New York City contribution over at Locale Lovelies today!

Locale Lovelies is a beautiful blog filled with welcome basket wedding ideas, home inspirations, interviews and much more.

Kitchen Finds

We are hoping to get our kitchen remodeled in the next few months and instead of researching appliances and cabinets, I'm researching fun accessories!  Here are a few of my finds, these would all look so great in a vintage, cottage kitchen...don't you think?


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Daily Design Inspiration

Behind the Design - Bailey Doesn't Bark

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was full of college football, wedding planning, gardening, and visits with family and friends. We're starting the week off with Behind the Design. This week's designer is the very talented Re Jin of Bailey Doesn't Bark.

Where does your inspiration come from?
My dreams, my life, people I meet and a lot of times the surface where I plan on applying my artwork. I'm also inspired by Harry Clarke and Kay Nielsen...

Do you have a spot you like to go that helps you feel creative?
In my dreams. I always wish for an amazing dream before I go to sleep.

Where do you do most of your work?
My studio. I love it so much...

Your favorite thing to make?
The first sample of a new design.

What is your all time favorite design from past or current collections?
(This is like asking which one is your favorite child. Impossible to choose...!)
However, I can say that I am very fond of the
Postcup design.

You couldn't run your business without ________?
My husband!

What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business?
Don't deal with rude, difficult people who don't give you the time of the day because you are a small/starting business. It doesn't matter how good they are. Move on, you'll always find the right people to work with.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.

Favorite magazine/blog/daily read?
Swiss Miss

If you could follow one person around for the day, who would it be?
President Obama.

Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets other than your work?

Thank you Re Jin for participating in this week's Behind the Design.

Photos: Courtesy of Re Jin
Re Jin can be found at:
Bailey Doesn't Bark shop
Bailey Doesn't Bark blog