This week's Behind the Design features Leslie and Sarah of UrbanPosture.
Where does your inspiration come from?
Our first run of designs was inspired by the Black Forest/Bavaria. Sarah grew up in Germany and Austria. As a result, most of her illustrations are a reflection of her childhood.
Do you have a spot you like to go that helps you feel creative?
There are tons of blogs that are filled with all sorts of good inspiration. We also try to stay connected with local DIY and art/craft shows. Those are the places to get motivated and inspired!
Where do you do most of your work?
In Leslie's basement. We purchased a huge island on craigslist and Leslie is so kind to let it invade her space. That's where we do all of our printing We like to call it "The Studio" just to make it sound more hip.
How did you come up with the name for your business?
Leslie used the name Urbanestics for her art and craft endeavors and Sarah used GoodPosture to label her inspiration and projects. When we started collaborating, the best we could come up with was a combination of the two, namely UrbanPosture.
Your favorite thing to make?
We love our binders! We've both worked in offices and desk jobs are really boring, so the binders make us feel like there is hope in a world of boring executives!
What is your all time favorite design from past or current collections?
The birch tree motif is what got this all started, so it has a special place in our hearts. We do have several new designs that we're introducing with the next few weeks and we are really excited for the fresh new look.
You couldn't run your business without ___________?
The interweb...Leslie's brother...the love and support from our friends and fans...I really don't think there is one thing that makes UrbanPosture possible.
What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business?
Get an accountant! Also, know that it takes time. Not just time working on projects and products. It takes time to get recognized.
Coffee or tea?
Tea...but Leslie does love some good coffee at times.
Favorite magazine/blog/daily read?
We'd both say Domino and Blueprint (RIP), but ReadyMade is making up for it. Leslie watches Martha Stewart religiously and Sarah follows a bunch of blogs!
If you could follow one person around for a day, who would it be?
"Martha Stewart!", Leslie says.
Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets other than your work?
Leslie loves to cook and bake and try new restaurants. Sarah plays keyboard and sings in her husband's band, Wolfgang.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, money and time being no object, where would you go and why?
Sarah would love to go to Asia. I know that's broad, but that's the point!I grew up in Europe and have lived in the United States for a while, I figure that's a continent I haven't explored yet!
Leslie still has a fascination with Europe and wants to go to Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland. I have strong Scandinavian heritage and am inspired by the design that comes from those countries.
If you had to spend a year on a deserted island, what five things would you bring with you?
Sarah would bring a knife, Drive Shaft, Darma Initiative peanut butter, Hurley and wrecked plane.
Then there's Leslie...I wouldn't leave home without my paper cutter, then I must take paper to use it properly but boy, I could find many other uses for that thing, it's AMAZING. Let's see...the other three things would be...glue, yarn, and knitting needles.
Thank you Leslie and Sarah for participating in this week's Behind the Design.
Photos courtesy of UrbanPosture.
Leslie and Sarah can be found at:
Etsy shop
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