Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Decorating Ideas

Over the weekend I took a decorating class at my local Pottery Barn. Have any of you ever taken one of these classes? This is the second one I've gone too (my mom kind of has a thing for them!) They are a little product heavy, obviously, but you do get some take away from them.  So, I thought I might share with you some of the ideas I took away from the class.

The instructor mentioned a lot of things she did in her own home, one of which was decorating with pictures.  She stressed the significance of this by saying that pictures are one of the few ways we can be unique in our design and decor, and also tell a story about ourselves and our life experiences.  It is a way that people visiting our home for the first time can get a look at who we are.  She explained that she has a constant rotating display of photos throughout her home. 

I love the idea of displaying photos throughout the house, especially when you can veer away from typical vignettes and create unique displays of your photographs and artwork.  Here are some great ideas...hopefully this can inspire you to come up with a non-traditional spin on a timeless decorating idea.



Jane said...

What a great idea - I especially love the polaroids on a string.

The Design Boards said...

That's one of my favorites too!