I know it's been a while since we've had a Behind the Design but it's something that I really enjoy and want to get back on track with making it a weekly 'regular.' Soooo, to start the feature off again, we have Barb from Knack Studios. Barb is a furniture repurposing genius if there ever were such a term. She takes old pieces of furniture and makes them beautiful by painting and restoring them and putting her own special touches on them. Well without further ado, here is a little look into the designer, behind the design...
Where does your inspiration come from?
I find inspiration in so many places, but some of my favorite things are photography...looking at the colors and compositions of different shots, my 11 year old and her fantastic ability to pull outfits together that are stunning in both color and texture, signage, numbers, travel, and relationships {because being in a truly nurturing and loving relationship inspires the fire outta' me!}
I have the greatest little studio, in a historic flatiron building here in the arts distric of Greenville....creativity seems to live there....and I love to visit.
Where do you do most of your work?
Knack Studio
How did you come up with the name of your business?
Well, my husband is in the marketing/design field and at the time he had recently done a study on some of the most popular brands and their names. Turns out that companies like Coke, Kodak, Starbuck's and the like all ended in the soft "k" sound and that seemed to be a pleasing sound to people. I had always loved the name "knack" because of what it means: a special skill or talent; a clever or adroit {resourceful, skillfull, etc} way of doing something....because of my approach to furniture.....So, it stuck like white on rice!
Man....that's like trying to choose one child over another....impossible!
Your favorite thing to make?
My absolute favorite things to transform are old chests.....never get tired of the challenge. Turning something forgotten into fantastic is so rewarding.
You couldn't run your business without?
Chai Tea, and a fantastic accountant.
What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business?
Man this is a hard one.....I guess that when discouragement comes.....remember all the positive times and focus that thinking in a forward direction. Never dwell in the pit!
Tea.....hands down.
Favorite magazine/blog/daily read?
Favorite magazines are abundant, but my top would be Living, etc., BoHo, and Ready Made. Blogs are a dangerous area because I have so many friends and daily reads so I'll just name a few: Design*Sponge, Decor8, Poppytalk, Remodelista, Blue Moss, Reading My Tea Leaves, Our Little Love Nest, Bliss, Oh Hello Friend, Lovely Clusters, This Lovely City....oh I could go on and on!
If you could follow one person around for a day, who would it be?
Jillian Michaels....what does she partake in as far as food?...I want to see her sweat....and maybe yell at her to go faster.....{just a friendly little yell......}
Do you have any hobbies or creative outlets other than your work?
Oh my.....I used to run, before knack!.....and am making some changes so I can get back to it this year! I love to run marathons and half marathons.....and miss the shape I was in while training.
If you could travl anywhere in the world, money and time being no object, where would you go and why?
I want to to all over Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.....I am so drawn to its raw and earthy beauty.....the castles......the cliffs.....the stony meadows......the loch ness monster......:)
If you had to spend a year on a deserted island, what 5 things would you take with you?
Well.....I would have to have my family....even though I wouldn't want them deserted.....I would miss them terribly.....so that's three things.....and then I would need a years supply of sunscreen (because I am the fair freckle queen and hate sunburns!}.......and my rubber boots for wading......
Thank you Barb for participating!
Photos courtesy of Barb, Knack Studios
Barb can be found at
Etsy shop
Knack website
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