Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Things that make me smile...

Hi everyone!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend.  Yesterday was a holiday here in the states, I headed up to one of my favorite Monday flea markets but sadly the weather seemed to scare everyone away, including the vendors so it was a huge disappointment.  Other than that the rest of the weekend was lovely.  I was able to catch up and begin planning some holiday projects that I can't wait to share with you over the next couple of months! 

One of my favorite things to do over the weekend is sink into a comfortable chair and enjoy a cup of tea while flipping through design magazines or reading my favorite blogs on my iPad.  Mike and I are big tea drinkers, I will usually have 4-5 cups a day (I don't drink coffee at all).  My tea tastes change as the seasons do.  Right now I am loving black teas like Almond and Vanilla and of course, Chai, which I always associate with this time of year even though it'd delicious year round.  Do you prefer tea or coffee?  What teas are you drinking right now as the days are getting cooler? 

tea time
 chai tea

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