Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Parisian Getaway

I've been thinking a lot about Paris lately.  I've never been, but it's on my list.  I would love to take my mom there for a girls weekend.  Just the two of us, exploring the city and all the fabulous markets.  Drinking cappucino, eating lots of yummy bread and cheese and drinking carafes of red wine at outdoor cafes.  Ah, it sounds fabulous doesn't it?  Since I can't afford a plane ticket to France right now, I thought I would create my own little Parisian getaway via photographs. Enjoy!


mommyholly said...

LOVE this post... makes me want to pack my bags and fly off to Paris as well!!! :) Hmmm... I will have to settle for drooling over your pictures haha!
xoxox Holly

Anonymous said...

Love these photos! Makes we want to pack up and go! Seems so romantic doesn't it.

lolly-jolly said...

j'adore paris and all the france!!